Blog: Keeping Confidence

I haven’t been 100% due to an injury. It left me stuck in my own mind for a few too many minutes.

Nevertheless, I really want to keep my trajectory with this small business. It is difficult to not have any external pressures to continue working hard. So, a business owner can become hypercritical of themselves; like I had.

I realized that I’m not always going to able to give 100% to this business. But, I need to give myself some grace. I shouldn’t be berating myself for not getting a certain item finished or a posting done on time. I’m only human. If you need some encouragement or a simple sentence, “everything will be okay.”

Throughout this process, I found I want to be able to dive in deeply to create items that people will enjoy. If it takes a bit more time, then that’s okay. I hope you give yourself some grace at times too.

Now, I have recovered about 80%. I still have a bit of pain and tenderness, but it’s more manageable than before. I’m excited to return to selling. I was able to attend the Etsy Summit on another website and the lineup of speakers was insightful. I learned a bit more how to fix some problems I didn’t know I had. There were also tips on marketing and how I can engage with my audience more effectively. I didn’t know that I was going to learn so much. And, I was pleasantly surprised.

I have a rough draft of some items I want to implement in my business written on my whiteboard. I’d love to share them. It’ll be great to wind up Valentines items and move onto some new designs. I’m leaning more towards marketing better and optimizing my sales sites. So, I’m looking forward to growing and learning from other entrepreneurs.


All You Can Do is Accomplish Your Vision


Blog 1: Why